Genres: films about school

Posted: September 6, 2012 in Camera angles, Editing, Genres, Lighting, Music, Narrative structure, School films, Sound, Techniques
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Learning objectives: you’re going to learn about GENRE — the school genre — in particular, and develop your knowledge and application of filmic techniques

The first topic we’re going to look at is the whole genre of “school films” for two reasons: we’re going to learn from how they made striking openings, and then you’re going to have a go at copying some of the techniques they use.

First up, is the beginning of the classic Lean On Me.


In your books, draw, analyse and describe what is happening in this opening scene in terms of:

How the film establishes its genre
The camera shots it uses
The use of sound — diegetic and non-diegetic
Mis-en-scene: the scenery, setting, props, costumes

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