Archive for the ‘genre’ Category

GOALS: to learn how to storyboard the opening of a movie; to learn how to learn from other movie techniques; to learn some tricks from old movies.

TASK: Watch the beginning of the Naked Kiss:

What makes this an effective opening? What could be improved?

Now storyboard the opening sequence of a movie in which the main character, who seems stereotypically weak and vulnerable, hits another character, robs them, reveals something about their identity; in order to do this sketch out a scenario for the whole movie, using the “hamburger” model and considering the film’s genre, then work on the beginning. Use ‘The Naked Kiss’ as a model but improve it by using more interesting camera angles (e.g. overhead shots), changing the mis-en-scene, the characters (e.g. a small person and a big person).

So on your blog do a post which includes these things:

  • My outline of the whole film:
  • Location:
  • Casting:
  • Equipment needed for shoot:
  • Lighting:
  • Shooting script:
    Main characters:
  • What I hope to achieve with the opening:
  • Mis-en-scene:
  • Camera angles:
    Sound: diegetic and non-diegetic.
    Storyboard: take a picture of your storyboard. It should be detailed, including length of shots, sound, camera angles etc.